It should come as no surprise that these bold rams are the first sign of the zodiac, as Aries (March 21–
April 19) loves to be in the lead. Aries is a bold and ambitious sign that jumps into even the most difficult
situations, which makes sense given that the head is the body part connected with this sign. Similar to Leo and Sagittarius, two other fire signs, Aries is an enthusiastic, driven, self-assured leader who fosters community by their upbeat demeanor and unwavering resolve. Simple and straightforward in their approach, they frequently become irritated by minute details and superfluous subtleties. Their taste for the fast and nasty is reflected in their sexual preferences.

It should come as no surprise that these bold rams are the first sign of the zodiac, as Aries (March 21–April 19) loves to be in the lead. Aries is a bold and ambitious sign that jumps into even the most difficult situations, which makes sense given that the head is the body part connected with this sign. Similar to Leo and Sagittarius, two other fire signs, Aries is an enthusiastic, driven, self-assured leader who fosters community by their upbeat demeanor and unwavering resolve. Simple and straightforward in their approach, they frequently become irritated by minute details and superfluous subtleties. Their taste for the fast and nasty is reflected in their sexual preferences.

The cardinal sign of Aries marks the beginning of the zodiac wheel as well as the spring season. Astrologers hold that every sign absorbs the lessons both happy and painful learned by its predecessors. There is no innate wisdom with Aries, though; instead, they approach life with a vibrant joie de vivre that wonderfully balances their unique impulsivity. Aries is known for its naive optimism.

These fire signs frequently learn lessons the hard way because they consider their options before acting. While Libra, Aries’ opposing sign, represents teamwork, Aries is the sign of the individual spirit. The “every person for themselves” mentality is upheld by these rams. Although this independence can be motivating, Aries must be cautious of any tendency toward selfishness.